Here are some images of some mould which I believe (or would like to think) is Mucor mould. The mould colony was extremely fast growing (appeared within two days on Anna's mashed potato which had been accidentally left in the open), and had very dense upright sporangiophores which had long columella.
Those who are squeamish about mould colonies may be glad to know for a fact that Mucor cannot grow on or inside humans and other warm endothermic creatures - because they cannot live in warm environments which are close to the human body temperature of 37 C.
However it is entirely possible to be allergic to mould, and then again, I suppose if your feet were permanently sequestered in very cold damp shoes, your feet might get mouldy (it would be likelier to be another type of mould then though). Well in any case, the mould is unlikely to grow inside you if you inhale it by accident.

This is really beautiful. Did you use one of those cheap USB-microsocopes?